USAA is a Proud Sponsor of the USCG Day

CWO3 Sean Dotson
Nov 27, 2024
The Community Services Command (CSC) solicited for MWR CIF projects. 156 projects valued at $12.3M were submitted. Of those, 57 projects valued at $3M were selected this year by the MWR Capital Investment Board (CIB). Additionally, 28 projects from FY24, totaling $2.3M, will be rolled over into the FY25 execution plan.
ALCGPSC 159/24
A. ALCGPSC 109/24
B. Coast Guard Morale, Well-Being, and Recreation Manual, COMDTINST M1710.13 (series)
C. Coast Guard Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities (NAFI) Manual, COMDTINST M7010.5 (series)
D. Civil Engineering Manual, COMDTINST M11000.11 (series)
E. Child Development Services Manual, COMDTINST M1754.15 (series)
F. Navy and Marine Corps Child Development Centers, FC 4-740-14N 2014
G. Public Playground Safety Handbook, U. S. Consumer Product Safety Commission #325 (Latest Design Criteria)
1. Per reference A, the Community Services Command (CSC) solicited for MWR CIF projects. 156 projects valued at $12.3M were submitted. Of those, 57 projects valued at $3M were selected this year by the MWR Capital Investment Board (CIB). Additionally, 28 projects from FY24, totaling $2.3M, will be rolled over into the FY25 execution plan.
2. The criteria for project selection was an important part of the CIB’s selection process. The overall intent was to provide equitable distribution of projects across the Coast Guard while focusing on historically underfunded CAT A&B activities.
3. CSC intends to execute the funds on behalf of the receiving unit. Commands with an approved project will be notified via memorandum with instructions regarding the CIF project execution process. The CSC NAF KO will work with respective units to execute the project. If the actual cost of the project exceeds the amount awarded, the unit must cover the additional cost with NAF funds. If the unit is unable to cover the additional costs, the project may be considered for removal from the approved list. If actual costs are less than the approved amount, CSC will retain those surplus funds. Substitutions of projects are not authorized.
4. To view the complete FY25 CIF Award list, please copy and paste into a browser.
5. All procurements will be made in accordance with references B-C. Items that meet unit property inclusion requirements must be recorded in the Oracle Fixed Assets Module as required. Items meeting these criteria shall be recorded as appropriated fund property. All procurement information requested by the NAF KO (e.g., Scope of Work, Statement of Objectives, pricing data, invoicing, etc.) must be provided upon request. Failure to do so will delay the procurement process and potentially remove the project from the approved list.
6. All construction projects that recapitalize or improve Coast Guard owned facilities will be executed in accordance with reference D, in close coordination with the servicing Facility Engineer. The Mission Readiness Product Line Manager (SILC-MRPL) has been engaged in the project selection process of this program and will be able to assist.
7. All CDC projects shall be executed in accordance with references E-G.
8. We appreciate all of this year’s submissions. If a project was not selected, it can be re-submitted next year. Any questions may be directed to or to the appropriate cognizant authority for MWR purposes.
POCs by district:
Base Boston (D1): CIV Julia Rosa (857) 416-3291 or
Base Portsmouth (D5): CIV Jeffrey Wapner (757) 483-8671 or
Base Miami (D7): LCDR Thomas Maca (305) 535-7676 or
Base NOLA (D8): CWO Robert Arseneaux (504) 253-4795 or
Base Cleveland (D9): CWO Jaime Mara (216) 902-6282 or
Base Alameda (D11): CIV Robin Greer (510) 437-3832 or
Base Seattle (D13): CIV James Graddy (206) 217-6357 or
Base Honolulu (D14): CIV Neil Morgan (808) 842-2953 or
Base Kodiak (D17): CIV Alvina Smith (907) 487-5059 or
Mission Readiness Product Line: LCDR Daniel Lagdon (510) 637-5502 or
Community Service Asset Line Manager: CIV Reem Habib (949) 678-4907 or
CSC: CWO3 Sean Dotson (757) 842-4927 or
9. RDML Z. Merchant, Commander, Personnel Service Center (CG-PSC), sends.
10. Internet release is authorized.